Our Solar Array Historical Stats
Current Statistics | Historical Statistics | Grid vs. Production Historical Statistics

Here are some historical statistics for our solar array.
The information is being retrieved from data stored in a MySQL database.

Array Status
Max Design Output:   13.33 kW 1
Array Online since:  August 21, 2012
    (12 years, 6 months, 0 days)

|-------------------------- Previous 4 Quarters Production --------------------------|
4th Qtr 2024
Megawatt Hours
3rd Qtr 2024
Megawatt Hours
2ed Qtr 2024
Megawatt Hours
1st Qtr 2024
Megawatt Hours
Lifetime Prod.
Megawatt Hours

|-------------------- Daily Averages --------------------|
Feb 2025
Kilowatt Hours
1st Qtr 2025
Kilowatt Hours
Kilowatt Hours 2
|-- Lifetime Hourly Averages --|
Hourly - 24/7/365
Kilowatt Hours 3
Hourly - Daylight Hrs.
Kilowatt Hours 4
Yearly Average
Megawatt Hours 5

Quarterly Production by Quarter
(Data for current quarter is 'quarter to date'.)

Quarterly Production by Year
(Data for current quarter is 'quarter to date'.)

Quarterly Production by Year
(Data for current quarter is 'quarter to date'.)

Current Statistics | Historical Statistics | Grid vs. Production Historical Statistics

Yearly Production since 2012
(Data for 2025 is 'year to date') 5

Daily Production For The Previous 31 Days,
Along With Some Daily Averages

Monthly Production Since The First Full Year Of Production (2013)
(Start of production was in August of 2012.
Data for current and future months are 'month to date'.)

Current Statistics | Historical Statistics | Grid vs. Production Historical Statistics

Average Monthly Production vs. Monthly Production This Year
(Averages for full years starting with 2013, through the previous full year (2024).
2025 data is 'Year To Date'.)


Cummulative Production for This Year vs.
Average Cummulative Production
Since The First Full Year Of Production (2013)

(Start of production was in August of 2012)
Difference in production as of Jan of this year is 115.9 kWh above the average (113.29 %).

Usage vs. Production by Year
Data for full years starting with 2021, plus
data for the current year to date (59% solar)


Current Statistics | Historical Statistics | Grid vs. Production Historical Statistics

  1 Although the system is DC rated at 14.88 kW (62 panels rated at 240 Watts DC each), the actual maximum AC output is limited by the inverters, which are rated at 215 Watts AC each. The inverters will limit the output to a max of 215 Watts even if the panels are trying to produce a little more. This design apparently leads to a bit of a boost in performance over a year of different seasons. Thus, 215 Watts x 62 panels = 13.33 kW max design output. During peak production months, we have, however, seen the peak production of the array reach slightly (1% - 3%) over the 13.33 kW rated max.

  2 Lifetime Daily average is calculated using Lifetime Production divided by Number Of Days Online, so results should be fairly accurate.

  3 Lifetime 24/7/365 Hourly average is calculated using average daily production (which is calculated from lifetime production) divided by 24 (hours per day). This is the hourly average production over a 24 hour day, and as such, includes nighttime, cloudy days, sunny days, etc.

  4 Lifetime Daylight Hourly average is calculated by dividing the Lifetime production by the total number of daylight hours (sunrise to sunset) since the array came on-line. Both numbers are calculated up to the time the page is refreshed. Note that, discounting physical and astronomical effects, over the course of a year, the average number of daylight hours is pretty much half of a full day, or 12 hours. As a result, the average hourly production for daylight hours will hover around twice that of the average hourly production for a full 24 hour day. It will rise and fall slightly depending on the time of year it is being calculated.

  5 Yearly average is calculated using recorded yearly totals for previous full years (2013 through 2024), divided by the number of full years (12), so should be pretty accurate. Keep in mind that some of these are leap years.

  6 These values are calculated using the grid utility bills. Since the dates the meter is read by the grid utility are a bit random (typically fall somewhere around the 10th of the month) these numbers are not perfectly accurate on a yearly basis, but are close, and give a pretty good indication of how much the solar array is supplying compared to the total usage.
Note 1: Our heat pump is backed up by propane, which the air handler switches to if the temperature falls below 30 degrees. As a result, during milder winters, our electric usage will go up a bit, but our propane usage will go down. Also, we are using our A/C in the summer more the last few years, which, of course, also affects our electric usage.
Note 2: In December 2024, we bought a plug-in electric car, so our electricity use will go up (but our gasoline consumption will go down).
Current Statistics | Historical Statistics | Grid vs. Production Historical Statistics