Wiring the Pickup and Controls
Wiring up the pickguard was pretty straight forward once the pickup and controls were mounted. This is a simple volume and tone control, with no switches involved (just one single coil pickup). The following two pictures show the front and back of one of the pickguards with the pickup and controls mounted.
Underside of pickguard
Topside of pickguard
The Pickup is a Gibson P94 (basically, a P90 mounted in a humbucker sized case, so that it can be dropped into a guitar originally setup for humbuckers). We had bought a pair of these (a neck and bridge pair) on eBay a while ago, and decided that they would work well here. We bought a pair of CTS 500k audio taper pots from StewMac for the controls, and used a slightly smaller than normal value capacitor for the tone circuit (0.22 uF).
Wired pickguards
We used a piece of shielded cable for the output jack on first pickguard (on the right in the above picture), but it felt flimsy, so we ended up changing it to separate wires like the one on the left. The wire is authentic Fender style cloth covered wire, and it is a joy to work with (pre-tinned, and no striping necessary).
Wired pickguard
OK! We are ready for the final assembly...