
Chassis Mods

We ended up buying a mod kit from fromelelectronics.com for these chassis, which we ended up being very pleased with. The mod kit included replacement capacitors for virtually every cap involved with the signal chain, plus replacement filter caps for the power supply (they also increase the size of the first stage filter cap, which really stiffens up the low end). The kit we got also replaced a few resistors, the volume pot (from a linear pot to a proper audio taper pot) and the flimsy plastic input jacks. We also installed one of these mod kits on a Blues Deluxe we got on eBay for our daughter, and replaced the speaker with a Celestion - it is now an awsome amp! We highly recommend that you check this site out if you are tweaking any of these series of Fender amps.

We will try to add more info and pictures about these mods in the future...