The Cab
We built the cab for the Blues Deluxe using the same dimensions as the cabs for the Hot Rod DeVilles, as the chassis are the same dimension. The Blues Deluxe cab could have been somewhat shorter, since the speakers are smaller, but it was easier to just make them the same. Besides, we are thinking of changing the baffle board on the Deluxe and putting two 12" speakers in it, so it is nice to have the cab big enough should we decide to do this down the road. Here is a picture of the back, showing the baffle board cut for the two 10" speakers. Check out the Hot Rod Deville cab page for details leading up to this stage.
Back of cab showing the baffle board
Here we see the two old 10" speakers mounted in the cab.
Speakers mounted
Speaker from mid '70s Fender Super 6
Just like in the Hot Rod DeVille cab, we added shims on each side to get a good fit for the chassis. Here, the chassis has been mounted in the cab.
Chassis mounted in the cab
This next picture shows how we laid out pilot holes in the back panel. These pilot holes will help us get the vent holes to line up nicely when we cut them out with a hole cutter in the drill press.
Laying out pilot holes for the vent holes in the back panel
Laying out pilot holes for the vent holes in the back panel
Drilling the vent holes in the back panel
The back panel mounted
The back panel was then stained and urethaned to match the cab, and we also stapled a thin piece of aluminium to the inside to act as a ground plane for the chassis. The last step was to mount the reverb pan, which was done just like on the Hot Rod Deville.
The finished Blues Deluxe custom cab