Fish Spotting

A few pictures from back in the early 1980s when I was swordfish spotting...

Bob and Bob

Bob O'Hare and
Bob Kingsland
homeward bound
in two Super Cubs

By Jack Mayhew

Bob and Bob

Just Bob

Bob O'Hare
pulling away
in 'YellowBird'.

By Jack Mayhew


Twenty One

Me following
Bob and Bob
home in N11721,
a Citabria 7KCAB.

By Bob Kingsland

Eleven-Seven-Twenty One

Fogged Out

A bunch of us
driven up away
from the boats
by fog.

By 'Wild' Bill

Fogged Out

In the Barn

N5030K, a
1978 Citabria 7GCBC
in the hanger

Sent to me by
Jay Carnevale who
flew her in '83 & '84
for Richie Earle and
the "Direction"
